Labor Day Collection Delay
Garbage, recycling, and yard waste will not be collected on Monday, Sept. 2, in observance of Labor Day. Regular collection will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week, with Friday collection occurring on Saturday. Learn More >>

Posted on August 05, 2020

Whether you're cleaning out your house, or making room for that new appliance or couch, sometimes you need to get rid of things that don't fit in your cart. 

What classifies as a large/extra trash item? 

Anything that doesn't fit in your cart needs an extra trash or large item sticker. Think of items like these: 

  • Extra bag of trash (<30 lbs.)
  • Appliances
  • Furniture
  • Carpet
  • Kids toys

How do I get rid of a large/extra trash item? 

Although this item doesn't fit in your garbage cart, you can still dispose of it curbside. Depending on what it is, you just need the correct number of stickers on the item, and have it curbside on your normal collection day. 

Here are some examples of how many stickers an item needs and where to purchase them

If you don't want to purchase stickers, and would rather self-haul, most of these items can either be taken to Metro Park East Landfill or our 2nd Saturday residential trash drop-off at Metro Northwest Transfer Station (keep in mind this excludes appliances).

Do you have an appliance? 

Appliances, like a fridge or freezer, washer, dryer, microwave, etc., needs one extra step due to the special handling require. If you have an appliance to set out, you'll need seven $5 stickers, then a quick call to 515.244.0021 to schedule pickup. 

For more information about safe, smart disposal and recycling options, visit or call 515.244.0021.